Sunday, April 6, 2008

Diary of James K. Polk

Dear Diary,
It is the night of April 25, 1846. You would never believe how chaotic it is here. Everyone is rushing around spreading news. The streets are flooded with people. The looks on everyones faces have changed from happy and excited when we first annexed texas to concerned and frightened once they heard the recent news. There were about sixteen troops patrolling the Rio Grande. The Rio Grande is am river that the United States decided to be the border between Texas and Mexico. Since Mexico has not yet forgiven the United States for "taking" Texas, as they say, a group of Mexican soldiers fired at the troops standing by the Rio Grande. All of which where wounded and some where dead. Everyone here in Tennessee has gone crazy. There is a lot of talk about war and if that started it. Some people say that it was destined to happen since Mexico does not believe the Rio Grande is the border between Texas and Mexico. Mexico believes that the border should be the Nueces River. This river is about 150 miles northeast of the Rio Grande. Giving them a lot more space than they need. Especially since we annexed Texas and it is part of our country now.
I knew that the act of annexing Texas would leave the United States relationship with Mexico in a bad place and even though some americans thought it was a bad choice, I never thought they would take it this far. Some people living in the northern states hated the idea of Annexing Texas. They believed having another slave state would be awful. But of course the southern states are happy to have yet another slave state. But what is improtant is that Texas is ours. Our 28th state, annexed in 1845. And in my opinion, Mexico has started a war. So now, before they make another move, we have to get ready. We have to go into Mexico, and fight this war. Some Americans will be unhappy about it I'm sure. But this time, there is no question. And I cannot be blamed. Mexico made the first move. And to me, that means they started this war. I will remind my fellow Americans, that expanding the United States as far as we can is the most important thing. If we go into this war and win, which we will, we will get New Mexico and California. And I will remind Mexico that when I tried to buy those areas they refused to see me. The Mexican president Mariano Paredes has told his country that we "threw ourselves on their territory" and that "the time has come to fight". Well I will remind him that we legally own texas and that I tried to come politely and buy their two territories but now we have to resort to battling over them.
I will first send a general over to New Mexico. If he preforms his duties well then with his army they will take over New Mexico quickly. I will also send a group of people to start a rebellion against Mexico owning California. Once my general has taken over New Mexico he will move west towards California. If the first group of rebels puts the commander of Northern California, Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo, in jail then my general will help conquer California. Once the rebels and the army join together it will only be a matter of time before California is mine.
After we have taken over these two states we will need to invade Mexico. We will then go down through southern Texas and battle our way through Mexico. Hopefully we won't have any troubles and we wont be greated by General Santa Anna. If things go well we will beat Mexico and have our ladn to ourselves. It is our Manifest Destiny to have the United States of America be as big as we can possibly make it and spread as far west as it can.

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